Monday, March 16, 2009

Chocolate and trains in Bariloche

Ik had al gehoord dat Bariloche verschrikkelijk druk en toeristisch was maar het is echt veel erger dan ik dacht. ik kon niet terecht bij de eerste hostel waar ik van plan was om te overnachten en moest in een veel duurdere een dubbele room nemen. (Ach sorry, Dutch alert. I{m in a hurry and this puter is slow and I can{t work out the photo programme.) I should have just done what I half wanted to do when I arrived at the bus station, which was just to get on the train that was leaving shortly aftewards at the first trains station I{ve seen since being here. There{s so much chocolate in all the shops it would put even Willy Wonka himself off the stuff. Especially now that Easter s coming they{re really getting into mad egg filled windows mode. Anyway, off now - probably to El Bolson, a hippy commune sort of place a bit south from here and then off east. Esquel and then across the pampa to the Welsh villages. Have to find a horse and a place to{s all mountain trails here.