I've taken 15 million photos and climbed a lighthouse tower and that was my flying visit over the border. Boat back leaves in an hour so have 20 minutes to play in here before I get another stamp in my passport. It's all very pretty and crumbling and ancient and Portugese looking. Lots of the blue and white tiles on the walls that you see there too. Some original leistone (?¿)paved streets which make you wonder even more than usual what induces women to wear heels for walking about the streets in. Boat trip back should be nice as the sun will be going down which will no doubt generate yet more photos. This digital stuff gets even me, who used to go away for months and take about 7 pictures, take more pictures. The camera had a tiny hiccup of a problem during the last days but it seems to have miraculously 'healed' itself. The shutter on one side wouldn{t open properly and I had to give it a push with my finger every time but now it seems to have shaken whatever dust it was that was causing the problem out of place and is workng perfectly again. I suspect it was the horsey stuff that did for it. Ok, off to cross the muddy brownish waters of the estuary again.
(next day in Bs/As - here a few photos, rest I´ll sort out from home)

(next day in Bs/As - here a few photos, rest I´ll sort out from home)